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Da Old Head Releases Soulful Single “Hey Y’all” – An Exclusive Interview

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Da Old Head, the rising star of the music scene, is back with a soulful new single that’s set to captivate listeners and leave an indelible mark on the industry. Titled “Hey Y’all,” this track showcases Da Old Head’s ability to weave intricate stories and emotions into his music, all while maintaining his signature chill vibe.

In an exclusive interview, we had the opportunity to sit down with Da Old Head and gain insight into the inspiration, concepts, and creative energy that fueled the making of “Hey Y’all.”

Embracing Artistry in Every Form

When asked about the most significant lesson he’s learned as an artist, Da Old Head shared his belief that art and stories can be found in all aspects of life. His eclectic approach to creativity draws inspiration from various mediums, with a particular affinity for music and visual arts such as paintings and drawings.

The Artistic Outlook on Life

Da Old Head defines having an artistic outlook on life as finding beauty in almost everything. He believes that there are stories to be uncovered in the old and the new, and that art is a universal language that transcends boundaries.

Passions and Perseverance

Da Old Head’s other passions reinforce his dedication to music. He emphasized his commitment to seeing things through once he starts them. This relentless drive is a driving force behind his artistic journey.

No Embarrassing Moments, Only Growth

Reflecting on his journey, Da Old Head shared that he hasn’t experienced any embarrassing moments in his pursuit of music. His unwavering confidence and focus on growth have shielded him from such setbacks.

Confronting Doubt and Fears

Da Old Head candidly revealed that his scariest experience has been grappling with doubt, particularly concerning whether his music would achieve mainstream recognition. However, he sees this self-doubt as a motivator that keeps him striving for improvement.

Art and Loneliness

Regarding whether being an artist has made his life lonely, Da Old Head disagrees. Instead, he believes that it has given him a unique perspective on situations, allowing him to express his thoughts and emotions through his art, be it through music or visual storytelling.

The Love for Music

For Da Old Head, the driving force behind his music is his sheer love for it. He views music as his happy place and a mental escape where he can express himself fully.

Influence and Success

When asked about his favorite work of art, Da Old Head pointed to Jay-Z’s “Blueprint” and Wu-Tang Clan’s “Only Built 4 Cuban Linx” albums, emphasizing their timeless impact and storytelling prowess.

The Role of an Artist in Society

Da Old Head sees artists as narrators who use their words and stories to connect with their audience. He believes that listeners should be able to relate to the artists they follow.

Defining Success as an Artist

To Da Old Head, success as an artist would involve gaining recognition from established figures in the industry and achieving financial stability. These markers would indicate that his artistic journey is on the right track.

A Unique Game-Changer

Da Old Head sets himself apart by embracing authenticity and hoping to start a wave of uplifting and relatable music that resonates with listeners.

Memorable Responses and Fan Connection

The most memorable response he has received to his work is the understanding and connection that listeners have expressed. Knowing that his music resonates with others brings him immense satisfaction.

Describing the Artist in Three Words

Da Old Head wants his fanbase to describe him as “lyrical,” “thirl” (an intriguing blend of “thoughtful” and “real”), and “relatable.”

Eliciting Camaraderie

Through his music, Da Old Head aims to evoke feelings of camaraderie, particularly among those who have shared experiences growing up in poverty.

Dream Collaborations and Favorite Works

Da Old Head’s dream collaboration would be with the legendary Lauren Hill, whom he regards as a queen in the music industry. As for his favorite work, he has a yet-to-be-released track titled “Streets Raised Me” that he holds dear.

Meeting the King of Pop

If he could attend a performance by any artist, dead or alive, Da Old Head would choose Michael Jackson for obvious reasons.

The Essence of His Music

Describing his music to someone who has never heard it before, Da Old Head characterizes it as a chill vibe with intriguing content. His music places a strong emphasis on meaningful lyrics that resonate with listeners.

Favorite Artists and Dream Tours

While Da Old Head admires Drake and Kanye, he is open to touring with any artist who recognizes his talent. Being associated with established figures in the industry would be a significant accomplishment for him.

Themes in His Music

The themes in Da Old Head’s music are often inspired by his surroundings, experiences, and memories. His writing process is fueled by catchy phrases and vivid recollections that come to mind, often while he’s on the road.

Evolution of Sound and Style

Over the past three years, Da Old Head’s sound and style have evolved as he overcame writer’s block. He has been honing his skills and eagerly anticipates sharing his refined music with the world.

Genres Explored

“Hey Y’all” delves into the rap and hip-hop genres, showcasing Da Old Head’s versatility as an artist.

Early Aspirations

Da Old Head’s journey as an artist began in middle school in the early ’90s, where he started writing raps and embracing hip-hop culture.

Earliest Musical Memories

His earliest memory of listening to music reflects his diverse taste, enjoying everything except heavy metal. He appreciates music with melodic beats and instruments that make him feel good.

A Street-Smart Sound

Growing up in the streets of North Philadelphia and SouthWest Philadelphia, Da Old Head’s background plays a significant role in his music. His experiences in the juvenile justice system and the adult system have shaped his storytelling, making his music a reflection of the trials and triumphs of life in the trenches.

Meet Da Old Head

In conclusion, Da Old Head, hailing from Philadelphia and Virginia Beach, is a lyrical storyteller who creates OldHeadMusic out of love for the art and culture. His music offers listeners a chance to explore the complexities of life through relatable and thought-provoking lyrics. Da Old Head’s mission is clear: to share his unique perspective and experiences with the world through his music.

Connect with Da Old Head

To immerse yourself in the world of Da Old Head and stay updated on his latest releases and projects, connect with him on Social Media Platforms and don’t miss the chance to experience his captivating music firsthand.

Hey Y’all:

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