Get the Strap


Brussels Rising Artist & Entrepreneur ‘MichelMoreLife’ keeps making music to expand his influence.

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It’s well known that people get inspired by their favourite artist, from the words they say to the clothes they wear. This is why MichelMoreLife finds it important to motivate his fans to become self aware. In his music he talks about money and investments, the most important part of wealth.
“I’m going to keep making music for people to listen to me and take my advice on life, because I believe we all want the same: freedom.” He says.
He went from no views to surpassing 100k streams after three songs, that must mean his fans are really listening to the lyrics.

MichelMoreLife has started a marketing company called ‘Astro Agency’ to help company owners acquire new customers by creating ads.
He has learned this skill by promoting his music at first. Later on he helped a friend to promote his instagram posts and now he helps big companies such as ‘Sodexo’ and ‘One Net Dienstencheques’.

Starting a company isn’t that expensive, everybody who has a phone and access to the internet could theoretically do it. You just need to find the ‘What’ to sell. This is totally up to you: if you’re a social person, try being a middle man and connecting people together to earn a percentage from the transaction.

Let’s imagine you have a friend who sells car tires, and you also know a friend who just broke his car tire or simply needs it to be replaced for the new season. Consider linking both together and ask the seller to give you a percentage on the sale.

This method can work on anything and everything. ‘Reading books and listening to podcasts is useless if you don’t take steps to better yourself.’ Is MichelMoreLife’s controversial statement he recently shared with us.

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